Grief Again

2nd September 2020
4 months and 11 days.

Part 13 - Positive thoughts

It is so easy to slide into the pit of self-pity. I've been consciously trying to remain positive by, excuse the cliché, counting my blessings.

To some extent, Pollyanna's “Glad” game does work.

So many people ask me how I'm going, and I'm so aware as I talk to people that often their circumstances are less than ideal:

And here am I, having experienced thirteen years of wedded bliss with my beloved Roslyn, and twenty two years of love with Julie before that - so much more than many have had.

I am also grateful for other aspects of my life.

None of this removes my intense longing for intimacy, but it does help to stop me spiralling into self-pity, which I know from experience is all too easy to surrender to.



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