About Andrew

Andrew Host

Hi, I'm Andrew Host.

I was a sound recordist in the advertising industry for 18 years, but in 1998 I gave that away to work in CD and DVD duplication. For 30 years from 1993 to 2023 I ran my own part-time business called CD Makers, specialising in digitisation and restoration of old audio tapes. That is now in the past, although I am still passionate about sound recording and voice enhancement.

One of my interests is 3D photography, originally using an old Realist brand camera. I then played for a while with a Loreo 3D lens on a Canon EOS 3000N, then digitally with a pair of Canon A570IS cameras, synchronised using the superb Stereo Data Maker and more recently a Fuji W3 3D camera for still photography, and a JVC 3D camcorder for 3D video. I played briefly with a Qoocam EGO, but now my main 3D camera is a pair of Sony RX0 II cameras synchronised with a USB cable, and I'm also playing with a LumePad 2.

I previously enjoyed being a member of Toastmasters. You can hear some of my speeches.

I'm a Christian. See if you agree with my views.

I'm also interested in Bible translations, and particularly keen about translations which are modern and colloquial without compromising the true meaning of the words.

I stongly believe that everyone should sign up on the Organ Donor Registry. You can hear a speech I made at Hornsby Toastmasters during August 2008 in MP3 format (3.5 MB) and WMA format (1.7 MB).

I also like radio from the days before television, particularly an Australian comedy series from the 1930s and 1940s, called 'Yes, What?'.

I once replaced a faulty hard disk drive in my laptop with a Solid State Drive (SSD) and I dared to do it myself. You can read my saga and perhaps learn from my mistakes.

Feel free to sign my guest book or email me or both!

My email address is incoporated in this image in order to make it harder for spam bots to harvest my email address. If you can't see the image please send an email to andrew followed by the at symbol then type andrewhost, add a dot, and complete the address with com. Hopefully this will be understood only by humans and not understood by spam bots.

"We never really grow up.
We just learn how to behave in public."
- Bryan White

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